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Bron: - Alles wat de amateur bierbrouwer of bierliefhebber moet weten over het brouwen van bier bierliefhebber moet weten over het brouwen van bier

Hier een overzicht van een aantal citaten over bier, die ik in de loop van de jaren verzameld heb. Een belangrijk aantal komt uit de TV-serie 'Cheers', die zich afspeelt in de gelijknamige bar "Cheers" in Boston. Veel plezier met deze lijst!

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Citaat Van
All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer. Homer Simpson
Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. Homer Simpson
I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer. Homer Simpson
Beer, Helping Ugly People Get Laid Since 1844. Jake Wane-Smith
I meditate and put on a rubber tire with three bottles of beer. Most of the time I just sit picking my nose and thinking. James Gould Cozzens
Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer. Janis Joplin
We're wanted men, we'll strike again, but first let's have a beer. Jimmy Buffett
No soldier can fight unless he is properly fed on beef and beer. John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough
I'm going to buy a boat ... do a little travelling, and I'm going to be drinking beer! John Welsh, Brooklyn buschauffeur, nadat hij $30 miljoen won in de loterij van New York
Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world. Keizer Wilhelm II
Life alas, is very drear. Up with the glass, down with the beer! Louis Untermeyer
Uncle Hank, V-8 juice has eight vitamins. Beer has one: barley. Luanne van King of the Hill
A pleasant apertif, as well as a good chaser for a short quick whiskey, as well again for a fine supper drink, is beer. M. F. K. Fisher, Amerikaanse schrijver
The house was as empty as a beer closet in premises where painters have been at work. Mark Twain
Ich sitze hier und trinke mein gutes Wittenbergisch Bier und das Reich Gottes kommt von ganz alleine. Martin Luther
They didn't trademark everything back then. Now someone farts and they put a TM after it. Even Miller Lite says 'A Fine Pilsner Beer' on the label. It is a crime. Michael Jackson, de Beer Hunter
I've always thought why no one has made a women's perfume to smell like beer. I know that would turn me on. Nate Sampson (aka N8)
The roots and herbes beaten and put into new ale or beer and daily drunk, cleareth, strengtheneth and quickeneth the sight of the eyes. Nicholas Culpeper
Beauty lies in the hands of the beerholder. onbekend
Life is too short to drink cheap beer. onbekend
Give a man a beer, he'll drink for the day.Teach a man to brew, he'll be drunk the rest of his life. onbekend
I'm sitting here completely surrounded by no beer. Onslow uit Keeping Up Appearances
This is grain, which any fool can eat, but for which the Lord intended a more divine means of consumption... Beer! Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, Friar Tuck
...there is only one game at the heart of America and that is baseball, and only one beverage to be found sloshing at the depths of our national soul and that is beer. Peter Richmond
Beer needs baseball, and baseball needs beer - it has always been thus. Peter Richmond
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